Ysgol Arberth | Narberth School

Narberth CP School
Ysgol Gynradd Arberth

01834 860776

Today's Learning.....Tomorrow's Talent

Dysg Heddiw.....Dawn Yfory

Siarter Iaith

Criw Cymraeg

What is Siarter Iaith?

The objective of the Siarter Iaith (Language Charter) is to provide a framework that can be used to promote and increase the use of Welsh and promote a strong Welsh ethos in schools.  To do this we need every member of the school community - the pupils, staff, parents, governors and wider community to support us. 

The Criw Cymraeg are instrumental in leading and driving the Siarter Iaith forward.

Podcast Arberth ...

Dosbarth Merched Beca created a Welsh 2nd Language podcast about Narberth! Roedd Dosbarth Merched Beca wedi creu Podcast Cymraeg Ail Iaith am Arberth! Diolch i Marc Griffiths o Stwdiobox am eich help! Mwynhewch! Enjoy!

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Beth ydy Siarter Iaith?

Nod y Siarter Iaith yw darparu fframwaith y gellir ei ddefnyddio i hyrwyddo a chynyddu defnydd o'r Gymraeg a hyrwyddo ethos Cymraeg cryf mewn ysgolion. I wneud hyn, mae angen i bob aelod o'r gymuned ysgol — y disgyblion, y staff, y rhieni, y llywodraethwyr a'r gymuned ehangach — ein cefnogi.

Mae'r Criw Cymraeg yn hanfodol wrth arwain a gyrru'r Siarter Iaith ymlaen.

Beth sy'n digwydd ...

Dydd Miwsig Lip-Sync 2025!

Sesiwn Mwydro!

Roedd y plant wedi creu 'GIF' ar 'Canva' gyda Mwydro! The children created Gifs on Canva with Mwydro!

Cliciwch yma!

“Today’s Learning…. Tomorrow’s Talent”
"Dysg Heddiw ... Dawn Yfory"

Narberth CP School, Ysgol Gynradd Arberth, Jesse Road, Narberth, SA67 7FE
Telephone: 01834 860776
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