Ysgol Arberth | Narberth School

Narberth CP School
Ysgol Gynradd Arberth

01834 860776

Today's Learning.....Tomorrow's Talent

Dysg Heddiw.....Dawn Yfory

Croeso i ddosbarth Barti Ddu.

Meet the teachers/Cwrdd â'r athrawon!

Mrs B Layzell
Miss B Jenkins - LSA
Mrs A Phillips - LSA

Dosbarth Barti Ddu is a Reception/Year 1 class in the Welsh stream.

Mae Dosbarth Barti Ddu yn ddosbarth Derbyn/Blwyddyn 1 yn y ffrwd Gymraeg.

Physical Education/Ymarfer Gorff

P.E. will take place on Thursday. Children will need to wear their uniform to school and change into their P.E kit before the lesson. (spare shorts/tops in school if they forget or bring inappropriate clothing)

Please ensure all school uniform/ clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Outdoor Learning/Dysgu awyr agored

Outdoor learning will take place every Thursday – Bring coat and wellies/old trainers.

Bydd dysgu yn yr awyr agored yn cael ei ddysgu bob Dydd Iau. Bydd eich plentyn angen dillad/esgidiau/cot addas ar gyfer hyn.


Additional Information

Please listen to your child reading every night and bring reading books to school every day.
Home time: 2.55pm finish and pupils are collected from the bottom gate.

Class Information for Barti Ddu


Gweithdy Ffotograffiaeth gyda Celf ar y Cyd.
Photography workshop with Celf ar y Cyd.

Rwy'n Arbennig / Amazing Me

Iechyd a Lles/Health and Wellbeing

Iechyd Corfforol, Iechyd Meddwl, Gwneud Penderfyniadau, Cyfrifoldeb Cymdeithasol

  • BLP - Dyfalbarhau / Perserverance
  • Ymarfer Corff / Physical Education
  • Hawliau'r plant / Children's rights
  • Sut i fod yn iachus / How to me healthy
  • Speakr - Teimladau / Feelings
  • I ddeall y fanteision o ymarfer corff / To undestand the benefits of excercising
  • Grwpiau o fwyd / Food groups
  • Edrych ar beth yw deiet cytbwys / Look at what a balanced diet is
  • Sesiynau cylchoedd / Circuits session
  • Iechyd Meddwl - Hunanddelwedd positif / Positive self-image
  • Cydweithio / Collaborative

Mathemateg a Rhifedd/Maths and Numeracy

Rhif, Algebra, Trin Data, Siap, Gofod a Safle

  • Gwerth Lle / Place Value
    • Adnabod rhifau  10 - 30/ Recognising numbers to 10 - 30
    • Ailadrodd rhifau i 100 / Recite numbers to 100
    • Cyfri ymlaen ac yn nôl / Counting forwards and backwards.
  • Cynrychioli rhifau / Representing numbers.
  • Ffurfio rhifau / Number Formation
  • Data - Pictogram
  • Mesur ansafonol a safonol / Measuring in non units and units.

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg/Science and Technology

Gwyddoniaeth (Bioleg, Cemeg, Ffiseg), Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Gwybodaeth (cyfrifiadureg)

  • Cymharu gwahaniaethau rhwng babi a phlentyn / Compare different between babies and children - how do things change?
  • Grwpiau o fwyd a sut mae'n effeithio'r corff / Food groups and how it affects the body. 
  • Adnabod rhannau y corff / Recognise different parts of the body
  • Mewngofnodi i Hwb / Login in to Hwb
  • Creu ffilm ar Stop Motion / Creating a film on Stop Motion

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol/Expressive Arts

Celf, Drama, Cerddoriaeth, Dawns, Ffilm a Chyfryngau digidol

  • Ymarfer techneg braslunio / Practice a sketchin technique - Austin's Butterfly
  • Rhoi adborth am ddarn o waith / Give feedback on pieces of work
  • Ymateb i gerddoriaeth ac egluro sut mae'n gwneud iddyn nhw teimlo / Respond to music and explain how it makes them feel
  • Gweithfy ffotograffiaeth / Photography workshop
  • Archwilio traw, deinameg, rhythm a churiad / Exploring pitch, dynamics, rhythm and beat. 
  • Cerddoriaeth Mr Morris. 

Iaith a Llythrennedd/Languages and Literacy

Gwrando, Darllen, Siarad, Ysgrifennu, Saesneg/Iaith Dramor, Llenyddiaeth

  • Caneuon Ffa-la-la / Ffa-la-la Songs
  • Tric a Chlic
  • Pie Corbett
  • Cwestiynu / Questioning
  • Storiau / Stories - Awdur Rachel Bright - Author Rachel Bright
  • Cerdyn / Card
  • Ysgrifennu Sydyn / Short Burst Writing
  • Labelu / Labelling
  • Caru Canu - Hwiangerddi
  • Llafar Unigol a Grwp / Individual and Group Assessment


Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Astudiaethau Crefyddol

  • Deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng yr hen a'r ifanc / Understanding the difference between old and young
  • Cydnabod cynhyrchwyr lleol / Recognising local producers of food
  • Dathlu fy hun / Celebrating myself - expressing opinions (UNCRC)
  • Mynegi eu diddordebau/hobiau/talentau / Express their interests/hobbies/talents. 
  • Cristnogaeth / Christianity

Carped Hud/Magic Carpet!

“Today’s Learning…. Tomorrow’s Talent”
"Dysg Heddiw ... Dawn Yfory"

Narberth CP School, Ysgol Gynradd Arberth, Jesse Road, Narberth, SA67 7FE
Telephone: 01834 860776
© Narberth CP School - All Rights Reserved - Website design by w3designs