Dosbarth Pili Pala is a Nursery class.
Mae Dosbarth Pili Pala yn ddosbarth Meithrin.
P.E. will take place on Thursday. Children will need to wear their uniform to school and change into their P.E kit before the lesson. (spare shorts/tops in school if they forget or bring inappropriate clothing)
Please ensure all school uniform/ clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Outdoor learning will take place every second Thursday morning – Bring coat and wellies/old trainers.
Bydd dysgu yn yr awyr agored yn cael ei ddysgu bob yn ail wythnos ar fore Dydd Iau. Bydd eich plentyn angen dillad/esgidiau/cot addas ar gyfer hyn.
Please listen to your child reading every night and bring reading books to school every day.
Home time: 2.55pm finish and pupils are collected from the bottom gate.
Iechyd Corfforol, Iechyd Meddwl, Gwneud Penderfyniadau, Cyfrifoldeb Cymdeithasol
BLP - Sylwi / Noticing
Ymarfer Corff / Physical Education
Hawliau'r plant / Children's rights
Sut i rannu a chymryd tro / How to share and take turns.
Speakr - Teimladau / Feelings
I fynegi barn am Arberth / To express and opinion about Narberth
I wneud penderfyniadau / To make decisions.
Rhif, Algebra, Trin Data, Siap, Gofod a Safle
Place Value / Gwerth Lle
Order numbers / Trefnu Rhifau
Subtraction / Tynnu
Money / Arian
Directions / Cyfarwyddiadau
Prepositions / Arddodiadau
Gwyddoniaeth (Bioleg, Cemeg, Ffiseg), Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Gwybodaeth (cyfrifiadureg)
Explorify - Discussion / Trafodaeth
Building Narberth building and discussing / Adeiladu adeiladau Arberth a thrafod
To create patterns / I greu patrymau
To create a set of instructions for moving / I greu dilyniant o symudiadau - BeeBot a J2e.
Create and iMovie / Creu iMovie.
Celf, Drama, Cerddoriaeth, Dawns, Ffilm a Chyfryngau digidol
To design 3D shops from Narberth High Street / I ddylunio siopau 3D o Arberth.
Gwrando, Darllen, Siarad, Ysgrifennu, Saesneg/Iaith Dramor, Llenyddiaeth
Ffa-la-la / Fflic a Fflac
Tric a Chlic
Pie Corbett
Storiau / Stories
Ysgrifennu Gwybodaeth / Writing Information
Cerddi / Poems
Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Astudiaethau Crefyddol
Gwahaniaeth rhwng Arberth yn y gorffernnol a'r presennol / Difference between Narberth in the past and present.