Ysgol Arberth | Narberth School

Narberth CP School
Ysgol Gynradd Arberth

01834 860776

Today's Learning.....Tomorrow's Talent

Dysg Heddiw.....Dawn Yfory

Croeso i ddosbarth Pili Pala

Meet the teachers/Cwrdd â'r athrawon!

Miss S Johnson - HLTA

Dosbarth Pili Pala is a Nursery class.

Mae Dosbarth Pili Pala yn ddosbarth Meithrin.

Physical Education/Ymarfer Gorff

P.E. will take place on Thursday. Children will need to wear their uniform to school and change into their P.E kit before the lesson. (spare shorts/tops in school if they forget or bring inappropriate clothing)

Please ensure all school uniform/ clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Outdoor Learning/Dysgu awyr agored

Outdoor learning will take place every second Thursday morning – Bring coat and wellies/old trainers.

Bydd dysgu yn yr awyr agored yn cael ei ddysgu bob yn ail wythnos ar fore Dydd Iau. Bydd eich plentyn angen dillad/esgidiau/cot addas ar gyfer hyn.


Additional Information

Please listen to your child reading every night and bring reading books to school every day.
Home time: 2.55pm finish and pupils are collected from the bottom gate.

Class Information Sheet 2024


Dyma ni yn cydweithio ar ein trip i'r Gerddi Botaneg.
Here we are collaborating on our trip to the Botanic Gardens.

Carped Hud/Magic Carpet!

Iechyd a Lles/Health and Wellbeing

Iechyd Corfforol, Iechyd Meddwl, Gwneud Penderfyniadau, Cyfrifoldeb Cymdeithasol

  • BLP - Sylwi / Noticing

  • Ymarfer Corff / Physical Education

  • Hawliau'r plant / Children's rights

  • Sut i rannu a chymryd tro / How to share and take turns.

  • Speakr - Teimladau / Feelings

  • I fynegi barn am Arberth / To express and opinion about Narberth

  • I wneud penderfyniadau / To make decisions.

  • Iechyd Meddwl - Amser Cylch a Mindfulness / Mental Health - Circle time and Mindfulness



Mathemateg a Rhifedd/Maths and Numeracy

Rhif, Algebra, Trin Data, Siap, Gofod a Safle

  • Place Value / Gwerth Lle

    • Order numbers / Trefnu Rhifau

    • Subtraction / Tynnu

  • Money / Arian

  • Directions / Cyfarwyddiadau

  • Prepositions / Arddodiadau

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg/Science and Technology

Gwyddoniaeth (Bioleg, Cemeg, Ffiseg), Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Gwybodaeth (cyfrifiadureg)

  • Explorify - Discussion  / Trafodaeth

  • Building Narberth building and discussing / Adeiladu adeiladau Arberth a thrafod

  • To create patterns / I greu patrymau

  • To create a set of instructions for moving / I greu dilyniant o symudiadau - BeeBot a J2e.

  • Create and iMovie / Creu iMovie.

Celfyddydau Mynegiannol/Expressive Arts

Celf, Drama, Cerddoriaeth, Dawns, Ffilm a Chyfryngau digidol

  • To design 3D shops from Narberth High Street / I ddylunio siopau 3D o Arberth.

  • To listen and respond to opinion on creative work and reflect / I wrando ac ymateb i farm am waith creadigiol ac adlewyrchu.
  • Charanga - Music / Cerddoriaeth
  • To discover what instruments are use to make music / I ddarganfod pa offerynau sy'n cael eu ddefnyddio i greu cerddoriaeth.
  • To listen and respond to music / I wrando ac ymateb i gerddoiaeth.
  • Singing with Mr Morris / Canu gyda Mr Morris.
  • Photography / Ffotograffiaeth

Iaith a Llythrennedd/Languages and Literacy

Gwrando, Darllen, Siarad, Ysgrifennu, Saesneg/Iaith Dramor, Llenyddiaeth

  • Ffa-la-la / Fflic a Fflac

  • Tric a Chlic

  • Pie Corbett

  • Storiau / Stories

  • Ysgrifennu Gwybodaeth / Writing Information

  • Cerddi / Poems

  • Caru Canu - Hwiangerddi


Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Astudiaethau Crefyddol

  • Gwahaniaeth rhwng Arberth yn y gorffernnol a'r presennol / Difference between Narberth in the past and present. 

  • Dro o amgylch Arberth / A walk around Narberth
  • Adnabod lleodd pwysig iddyn nhw / Recognising important places to them
  • Creu map o'r ddosbarth / Create a map of the class
  • Creu map gyda symbolau map / Create a map with map symbols
  • Iddewaeth - Beth yw e? / Judaism - What is it? 

Carped Hud/Magic Carpet!

“Today’s Learning…. Tomorrow’s Talent”
"Dysg Heddiw ... Dawn Yfory"

Narberth CP School, Ysgol Gynradd Arberth, Jesse Road, Narberth, SA67 7FE
Telephone: 01834 860776
© Narberth CP School - All Rights Reserved - Website design by w3designs