Ysgol Arberth | Narberth School

Narberth CP School
Ysgol Gynradd Arberth

01834 860776

Today's Learning.....Tomorrow's Talent

Dysg Heddiw.....Dawn Yfory

Cor - Dysgwyr (Learners)

Eisteddfod 2024

The Chairing Ceremony! Seremoni'r Cadeirio!

Community links


P Buzz - Music Pembrokeshire

Podcast Arberth ...

Dosbarth Merched Beca created a Welsh 2nd Language podcast about Narberth! Roedd Dosbarth Merched Beca wedi creu Podcast Cymraeg Ail Iaith am Arberth! Diolch i Marc Griffiths o Stwdiobox am eich help! Mwynhewch! Enjoy!

A New Curriculum for Wales/Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru

This is an exciting time for the young people of Wales. The new Curriculum for Wales is here! It will enthuse learners from 3 to 16, giving them the foundations they need to succeed in a changing world.

4 Purposes

  • ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives;
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work;
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world;
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

The Children's Newsletter /
Cylchclythyr y Plant!

Newyddion Arberth

This is our newsletter! Mwynhewch!

This Week's Attendance/ Presenoldeb yr Wythnos Hon

School Target - 96%

Dosbarth Barti Ddu
Dosbarth Bendigeidfran
Dosbarth Branwen
Dosbarth Jemima
Dosbarth Arthur
Dosbarth Rhiannon
Dosbarth Pwyll
Dosbarth Hywel Dda
Dosbarth Pili Pala
Dosbarth Waldo
Dosbarth Merched Beca

“Today’s Learning…. Tomorrow’s Talent”
"Dysg Heddiw ... Dawn Yfory"

Narberth CP School, Ysgol Gynradd Arberth, Jesse Road, Narberth, SA67 7FE
Telephone: 01834 860776
© Narberth CP School - All Rights Reserved - Website design by w3designs